Course: Autumn drawings
in Colour pencils
This Course is Only open once a year
A new Live Session on Zoom on the 29th November!

For only £120 you will learn all the basics of colour pencil drawing
In the course you will paint along to 14 real time video tutorials and you will get access to 25+ hours of video material.
and if you don't complete the course in the 30 days, don't worry. You will keep access to all video's.
I love it when people share their art with me and I will give feedback when you ask for it.
Learn to draw in colour pencils this Autumn
This course is for you:
if you feel inspired by nature
- If you would like to let go of perfectionism.
if you want to try a new art style.
If you want to learn new ways of using your colour pencils
if you want to build an art habit and create on a regular basis.
if you don't know where to start and you would like to paint as part of a creative community.
if you are looking for a creative, fun and artful season.
Do I need to be good at drawing to join?
The course starts really easy with real time video's. No drawing or painting experience is needed. I have provided sketch templates to use for each of the drawings and In the live sessions we will sketch together step by step.
a little mistake can create the most amazing results at times.
What are we making?
In this course you will learn how to draw in colour pencils
we will take inspiration from the season and draw autumn themed pictures.

play with curiousity
we will combine different other materials with our pencils to see what happens. There is space for mistakes and experimentation in this course. some results will be more pleasing than others but the most important thing is to have fun!

What Materials Do I need?
In this course we will draw with colour pencils.
All colour pencils can be used for this course. I use a mix of Faber-Castell Polychromos pencils, Derwent procolour pencils and various other sets.
As a minimum I would recommend:
a HB sketch pencil, eraser and sharpener
At least all primary colours (red, blue and yellow) in colour pencils
Extra colours are great! If you have some greens, browns, oranges or more colours, thats great!
I recommend using drawing paper. I will use 190 GSM drawing paper from Bockingford for most artworks but I do switch it us at times to show how different paper can affect your artwork.
The following are optional:
Oil, vaseline, blending medium for blending
watercolour pencils
You can find my favourite art materials in the FAQ
If you would like to draw as part of a fun and inclusive group, why not check out the Makings & Musings Community.
In the community we draw and paint together twice a month, you will find art tutorials and lots of inspiration.
The community is perfect if you want to experiment with materials, if you are looking for a reason to make time for art and it is the perfect place to share your work in a safe non-judgemental environment!
Hands on approach
I love a no-nonsense approach to art as the best way to learn is by creating.
In this course we will start drawing from day one and I invite you to draw along each time
My hope is that you will carry on making art after you have completed this course and that I help you finding your own creative voice in the process.
How does it work?
During the course you can see what I do as if you are looking over my shoulder. I explain each step I take and you can see exactly what movements I make.
If you sign up today you will have access to the day one drawing plus all introduction video's on the 22nd September.
You will keep access to all video materials for a year!
Share your work
after each session I ask you to share your artwork with me, if you do that in the course I am the only person who will see it and I can give feedback if you like.
You can also share your artwork in the discussion group where all course participants can see it. (This may sound scary but it's a great step towards sharing your artwork with the world eventually if that's something you want to do.)