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Covid-19 risk assessment

Measures implemented

  • I have completed a risk assessment of my business and premises using guidance from the Government body HSE Here.

As a result of that risk assessment, the following measures have been implemented in order to make my classes and workshops as safe as possible. 

  • I define a maximum number of participants per class at the premises used for in-person classes (including the teacher(s)) in order to comply with 'one-metre-plus' social distancing measures (see further guidance Here).

  • I will encourage the use of face coverings for all students and teachers during my classes from the 24th July 2020.

  • I will provide hand sanitiser and/or hand washing facilities as students enter my workshops and classes to reduce the risk of transmission.

  • I will provide clear guidance on social distancing and hygiene to students on arrival.

  • I will suspend or reduce teacher guidance that cannot be undertaken without contravening social distancing guidelines. 

  • I will conduct frequent cleaning of work areas and shared equipment/tools between uses, using my usual cleaning products.​

  • Put in place collection points for student pieces where possible, rather than passing pieces hand-to-hand.

If you have any questions about Covid-19 measures, please do not hesitate to contact me here.

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